Lawson Uhs (2025)

1. Login

  • After logging in, click on Bookmarks, then click on the MHC Document Self Service link. Login. Username. Password.

  • ATTENTION:  Lawson LSF Authentication is no longer supported.

2. [PDF] Lawson Employee Self-Service Contents

  • 1-855-UHS-3131 (1-855-847-3131). Once logged into ESS, employees should set their security questions. This will enable the ability for users to reset their own ...

3. 2024 Uhs employee self service lawson

4. University Health Services - UW Madison - Potter Lawson

  • UHS has a large staff of clinicians who work exclusively with students to provide basic medical and counseling services, and understands students needs and ...

5. Welcome to the UHS Employee Internal Career Portal!

6. Sign In

  • Universal Health Services, Inc. is a holding company that operates through its subsidiaries. All healthcare and management operations are conducted by ...


7. uhslearn - Welcome to HealthStream

  • Login Instructions: User ID: Employee number or NON number Initial Password: uhslearn You will be locked out of your HealthStream account for 5 minutes.

  • This application encountered a problem. We are very sorry for this inconvenience. We have created an error report which will help us to identify and resolve this issue. We will treat this report as confidential and anonymous. No personal data will be transmitted other than what you provide to us.   

8. [PDF] Divisional structure - University Hospital Southampton

  • DCD – Michelle Oakford. DDO – Gavin Hawkins. DHN/P – Suzy Pike. DMT PA – Sophie Mansbridge. Deputy DDO – Rob Stockbridge. DR&DL – Fraser Cummings.

Lawson Uhs (2025)


How to access Lawson portal from home? ›

Open an internet web browser and type in the website address: When the webpage opens, click Lawson – Employee Self Service under Employee Remote. You will be directed to the Lawson Sign In page. Log in using your Lawson credentials.

What is the phone number for UHS Lawson customer service? ›

Users will then need to contact the Customer Support Center at 1-855-UHS-3131 (1-855-847-3131) or click HERE for other ways to contact the support center.

How do I download my Lawson pay stubs? ›

1) Go to MissioNet and choose “Lawson Access Paystub & W2”; or from home, go to, to Employee Links icon at bottom left & click on “View Paystubs/W2” 2) Use same login that you use to view your pay stub (your Active Directory login – this is the same one you use to start your work computer or to get ...

How do I log into my Lawson account? ›

MyLawson Login Directions & More

Students: Use your single sign-on User name and Password when logging into MyLawson. This is the same User name and Password you use for eMail and Canvas. Password: Use the password you established when you created your account.

How do I access my app portal? ›

Access the My Apps portal on mobile Edge

On your mobile device, download and install the mobile Edge browser app from the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Open the mobile Edge browser and Sign in to the My Apps portal with your work or school account on your computer.

Who owns UHS? ›

Alan B. Miller, who currently serves as the company's Executive Chairman, founded Universal Health Services, Inc. in 1979. Within 18 months of its founding, UHS owned four hospitals and had management contracts with two additional hospitals.

What is the UHS PTO policy? ›

Professional Benefits

Paid Leave and PTO Plan: Paid leaves (i.e. medical, FMLA) are subject to FMLA and or State of CA laws. The paid time off (PTO) plan provides the Resident with four (4) weeks paid time off or twenty (20) working days at 100% paid stipend. Unused PTO may not be paid out as additional income.

What is the Lawson number? ›

A Lawson Number is an unsigned integer up to 32767.

What is Lawson Portal? ›

Lawson Portal is the user interface for Infor Lawson Enterprise Applications and Self Service applications. The installation consists of three components: The Core components, which are installed on the Infor Lawson System Foundation server.

Can I view my pay stubs online? ›

Those who have electronic payment delivery, like direct deposit, typically can access their pay statement through an online portal provided by their employer or submit an official request through human resources.

What is Lawson Payroll? ›

Lawson Payroll is a proven solution that processes payments and provides regulatory reporting for some of North America's largest companies.

How can I get my W-2 online without contacting my employer? ›

If you are unable to contact your former employer or are having difficulty getting your W-2, the IRS can help - or call 800-829-1040.

What is the UHS leave policy? ›

The UHS leave policy of 2024 was introduced, allowing a maximum of 18 days of leave per academic year, with additional leave requiring remedial classes to meet the 85% attendance requirement.

Is there a way I can find my W-2 online? ›

In the event you lose your Form W–2, or require a duplicate copy you can download a copy from Cal Employee Connect under the "W-2" tab. You also can request one from the State Controller's Office.

How do I connect to Lawson WIFI? ›

Turn ON the Wi-Fi setting of your device and select SSID: LAWSON_Free_Wi-Fi. After establishing a Wi-Fi connection, open your browser. Follow the instructions displayed on the screen and proceed through the screens to connect to the Internet. app for foreign visitors to Japan.

How do I open Lawson? ›

You access the Lawson Portal through a browser; no desktop client is necessary. The Portal resides inside the browser window, between the Address text box and the status bar at the bottom.

How do I access the client portal on Theranest? ›

If their email address is registered with a provider, they will receive an email with instructions for logging in with that provider. If they do not receive an email, please have them contact their provider for assistance in setting up their patient portal account. Enter email address.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.